Handling Manuscripts

Forex publication's academic editor is responsible for deciding whether a manuscript should be published as an article in a journal. If you are a new editor or guest editor or if you have not handled the manuscript for some time, this guide provides step-by-step support for the editorial process.

Manuscripts are handled using the registered email of forex-publication.

Receiving a manuscript :

This publication allows experienced editors to do free hand work but the editor has to follow the procedure from calling the paper to publishing according to the publisher's guidelines. New and unexperianced editors are given manuscripts by publisher according to their ability and subject knowladge

Editors should be comfortable with the subject of the manuscript, but a deeper understanding is not necessary. The role of peer reviewers is to assess technical details. However, if an editor finds that the manuscript is far from their area of expertise, they should decline to handle the manuscript. In this case editor can also send it to the publishers then our team assign manuscripts based on an Editor’s field of expertise.

Handling Manuscripts :

FOREX Press editors are independent experts responsible for deciding whether or not a manuscript should be published in one of our journals.

Conflicts of interest :

As a responsible member of the editorial board of a journal, you should be very aware of the risk of conflict while handling the manuscript so check the manuscript thoroughly before editing it.

Initial evaluation :

The editor should perform essential editorial screening on all submissions, before assigning them to Publishers.

On receiving a manuscript, Editors should check if it is potentially suitable for publication. They should consider whether the article suits the scientific scope of the journal, as well as the basic quality of the article. Submissions failing this evaluation should be rejected immediately. All other articles should be sent for formal peer review.

Recruiting peer reviewers :

Editors should invite at least two reviewers to assess the manuscript. We encourage editors to invite reviewers of their selection and leave the process of their selection entirely to the editor, for which the editor is absolutely free. But they should have prior knowledge of the subject's and reviewing ability, as well as their post-question dialogue on the subject concerned so as to be credible.

If the editor wishes, editor can also take help and suggestions of Forex-Press reviewers.

There are many important factors to consider when selecting a peer reviewer -

- Reviewers should not work at the same institution as any of the authors

- Reviewers should have significant experience in the relevant field.

- if a manuscript covers practical laboratory-based experiments and high-level theoretical work, it may not be possible to find a single reviewer with all the necessary skills. Editors should ensure that the reviewers are capable, between them, of covering the breadth of techniques employed.

Making a decision :

Having read and assessed the manuscript, each reviewer will provide a report along with one of the following recommendations:

- Publish without Correction

- Consider after Minor Changes

- Consider after Major Changes

- Reject

Confidentiality :

All manuscripts should be kept completely confidential. Editors should not use any of its insights until after publication.

FOREX Press operates a ‘double blind’ approach to peer review.In double-blind peer review, neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s names.

Publication ethics :

FOREX Press consults Editors when ethical issues arise with published articles. We have a comprehensive publication-ethics policies on our dedicated ethics page. For questions or to report research integrity issues, contact editor@forexjournal.co.in

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