We as conference organiser
FOREX Press organize conference series and provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service for your conference. Key publishing subject areas include: clinical & medical science, pharmaceutical, life science, physics, materials science, environmental science, chemistry, bioscience, applied science, all allied field of engineering, computational science and mathematics. This page provides useful information that how any organisation/society/institute conduct conferences with us? , what are conference ethics and process? . We are looking to take challenge worldwide in field of organizing international conference.
Choosing your publisher and publication
The following is a list of the key features and advantages of publishing your next proceedings with FOREX Press Conference Series.
Open access: All articles are free to download in perpetuity. Online publication includes:
creation of online versions of the abstracts contained in each paper
creation of hyperlinked references and tracking of future citations
unlimited use of colour online
Visibility: Papers will index widely with DOI no. and FOREX Press Conference (FPC) Series will receive large numbers article by the help of global volunteer and marketing team of FOREx Press.
FOREX Press Proceedings Licence: Authors retain copyright. No forms for organizers to administer, substantially reducing your workload.
Fast publication: Proceedings are published within 4 to 6 weeks of FOREX Press Publishing receiving accepted articles.
Pre-publication approval: Organizers log into our pre-publication servers to check and approve their proceedings prior to online publication.
Conference promotion: For selected events we can provide highly targeted promotion of your conference, at no cost.
Peer review of papers published in the FOREX Press Conference Series titles is undertaken through processes administered by the organizers and proceedings editors. The detailed procedures will vary from event to event according to the custom and practice of each community. Our publishing agreements require peer review to be undertaken in accordance with the principles outlined below. In addition, all published proceedings contain a published Statement of Peer Review:
“All papers published in this volume of … have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by FOREX Press.”
All conferences are requested to adhere to the following minimum standards:
Unbiased consideration is given to all manuscripts offered for publication in the proceedings regardless of race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.
Ensuring that no terminology is used that, in the opinion of FOREX Press Publishing, is offensive or might be perceived to be offensive to others.
Conference papers should meet all the usual standards of quality for an FOREX Press publication. However, referees should take into account the conference nature of the articles and so consider background papers more favourably than would be normal for a regular paper. These allowances should not go so far as to approve papers of low scientific standard or papers that have been published in written form elsewhere. Review papers are also welcomed and accepted.
Referees should give a clear statement of recommendation for each paper and supply comments to support their recommendation suitable for transmission to the author.
It will be of great help to the Conference Organizers if referees could consider the following key points related to scientific content, quality and presentation.
Quality Criteria
Originality: Is the work relevant and novel?
Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results.
Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published?
Length: Is the content of the work of sufficient scientific interest to justify its length?
Technical Criteria
Scientific merit: notably scientific rigour, accuracy and correctness.
Clarity of expression; communication of ideas; readability and discussion of concepts.
Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing.
Presentation Criteria
Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article?
Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service?
Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear?
Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be omitted.
Conclusion: Does the paper contain a carefully written conclusion, summarizing what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful?
The following notes provide a summary of the FOREX Press Conference Series publishing process.
1. Submit a quote request online, or email us directly with details of the conference at info@forexjournal.co.in.
2. The FOREX Press Conference Series team will review the details of your conference and write to confirm if we can offer a proceedings publishing contract. After any further discussions we will send you a draft publishing agreement that will contain all the details and terms of publication.
3. The organizers must inform authors of the FOREX Press Proceedings Licence.
4. Authors submit their papers to the conference organizers who manage the peer review. Once review of the papers is completed the conference organizers submit the final papers to FOREX Press Conference Series in one batch. Papers submitted to us must be PDFs and must be in their final form ready for publication (as we do not edit or proofread papers after they are submitted to us). Please ensure that all changes have been approved by authors prior to the PDFs being submitted to FOREX Press Publishing.
5. On submission of the manuscripts, organizers should also return a completed questionnaire. The interactive questionnaire can be downloaded here.
6. Production and publication. We will process the PDFs into a format suitable for publication and upload them to our pre-publication servers. The communicating editor will be sent a username and password to access that server to make a final check of the proceedings before they go live. Please note the following important points:
Once a paper has been published online, changes will only be permitted in cases of serious scientific error. In those cases, an erratum or corrigendum will be published according to the practices of professional scientific publishing.
Changes resulting from stylistic issues cannot be made to proceedings once they are published, so it is important that authors and organizers ensure papers have been adequately checked and proofed prior to submission.
7. Upon publication we will write to authors (who have supplied an e-mail address) informing them of publication and provide them with the URL of their paper.
8. Printed copies (if applicable) will be prepared and shipped shortly after the online publication of the articles. The communicating editor will be supplied with PDF proofs of the cover.
FOREX Press Conference Series uses author-supplied PDFs for all online and print publication. Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word, according to the publication guidelines and templates and then convert these files to PDF.
It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. FOREX Press do not copy edit or reformat papers and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Post-publication changes are not permitted, so please ensure that your paper has been checked for errors.
By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the FOREX Press proceedings licence.
Do not submit your papers directly to FOREX Press Publishing; please contact your conference organizer for submission instructions.
As a summary, please ensure the following:
All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of 18 x 23.5 cm (8.27" x 11.69"), centered on the page, beginning 3.048 cm (1.2") from the top of the page and ending with 2.54 cm (1") from the bottom. The right and left margins should be 1.27 cm (.50”). The text should be in two column 8.27 cm (3.51") columns with a spacing between them should be 0.25” .
The paper includes the author name and affiliation (full address including country).
There are no page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
The PDF is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or low-resolution figures), since conversion from Word to PDF can introduce formatting errors.
Text is single spaced, not double spaced.
The PDF file is editable and not password protected.
All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
Figures are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
A thorough proofread is conducted to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.
The content in FOREX Press Publishing’s Conference Series journals are all published on a gold open access basis.
All of our conference series articles will publish under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY licence. For further information on what the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY licence allows, please refer to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Older articles (published from around prior to September 2019), were not published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY licence.
For papers published in our gold open access proceedings titles FOREX Press no longer requires authors to sign and submit copyright forms. Our other journals are unaffected by this change.
Licence terms and conditions
By submitting the paper to the conference organizer, you, as copyright owner and author/representative of all the authors, grant a worldwide perpetual royalty free exclusive licence to FOREX PRESS Publishing (FOREX Publication, FPJ, FP) to use the copyright in the paper for the full term of copyright in all ways otherwise restricted by copyright, including, but not limited to, the right to reproduce, distribute and communicate the article to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) or any newer version of the licence) and to make any other use which FOREX PRESS may choose world-wide, by all means, media and formats, whether known or unknown at the date of submission, to the conference organizer.
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By granting this licence, the author warrants that the paper he/she is submitting is his/her original work, has not been published previously (other than in a research thesis or dissertation which fact has been notified to the conference organizer in writing), all named authors participated sufficiently in the conception and writing of the paper, have received a final version of the paper, agree to its submission and take responsibility for it, and the submission has been approved as necessary by the authorities at the establishment where the research was carried out.
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Proceedings Licence Notice
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