Editor's Role

Editors play a major role for success of the publishing journals . They maintain the quality of published research, enhance a journal's impact, and contribute to the advancement of the broader scientific community. This section offers guidance and resources to assist our Editors in the fulfilment of their duties.

Roles and Responsibilities :

All journals published by FOREX Press use a distributed Editorial Board model. An individual Editor assesses the scope and quality of each submitted manuscript and makes a recommendation based on feedback from peer reviewers. The board comprises highly qualified academics from institutions around the globe. These Editors are collectively responsible for ensuring that the journal publishes high-quality research that falls within its scope and objectives.

Handling Manuscripts :

FOREX Press editors are independent experts responsible for deciding whether or not a manuscript should be published in one of our journals.

One of an Academic Editor’s most important tasks is to decide whether or not a manuscript should be published in one of our journals. Guidelines handling Manuscripts

Publication Ethics :

FOREX Press consults Editors when ethical issues arise with published articles. We have a comprehensive publication-ethics policies on our dedicated ethics page. For questions or to report research integrity issues, contact editor@forexjournal.co.in

Approving Special Issues :

Special Issues are one-off issues of a journal, which focus on a specific topic or contemporary theme. Special Issues are proposed and managed by a team of Guest Editors from outside the Editorial Board.

FOREX Press staff perform essential due diligence on all Special Issue proposals. Our team ensures that key information is present and verified, as well as assessing the likelihood of receiving sufficient submissions in response to the Call for Papers.

Editorial Board members are best placed to make a decision on whether the topic of a Special Issue is a good fit for the journal. Therefore, we contact Editors for advice on a Special Issue proposal.

Providing Feedback :

We ask Editors to provide feedback on a journal’s direction or performance. We use this feedback to improve all aspects of our operations.

Our Publishers serve as the point of contact for our Editors. These employees are publishing professionals who also have a research background. They provide subject-specific support to our Editors and also work to promote the journals in their areas of expertise.

Promoting the Journal :

We hope that our Editors will be keen to share their hard work with colleagues, collaborators, and other connections. The most successful journals are those that are supported and promoted by their Editorial Boards.

We encourage Editors to discuss their journals at conferences, add them to their online profiles, and promote them at conferences.

Appointing Editors :

The size of the Editorial Board is determined by many factors. These include the number of submissions a journal receives, the average amount of time a manuscript takes to be processed, and the time commitment of individual board members. In the event that a board member retires, or if our analysis suggests that a larger board is required, FOREX Press will handle the recruitment of new Editors.

In order to be invited to become an Editor, an individual must have a track record of publishing well-received papers within the journal’s scope. FOREX Press thoroughly assesses any potential candidates before issuing an invitation.

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